martes, 15 de julio de 2014


The sauna was also the unusual setting for Petkovic's interview with Austrian website during her title run at last week's NÜRNBERGER Gastein Ladies. 

 How often do you take a sauna?
AP: I don't like it very much, so I go only for recovery purposes - probably three or four times a month. What's the hottest you've ever felt on court? 
AP: This year at the Australian Open it was 44°C. It was so bad, because it was a dry heat and I was feeling like the skin of my face would be burning off! A year ago, you were having a hard time due to injuries and a drop down the rankings. 
Did you ever consider giving up? 
AP: When I lost at the French Open in the second round of qualifiers, I honestly considered quitting. I stopped enjoying the game, not because I had lost, but because I put too much pressure on myself to get back to where I used to be. 
I was totally unsatisfied and was thinking that it doesn't make sense anymore. Is Roger Federer the best tennis player of all time? 
AP: It's hard to answer that question, because it's hard to define what 'the best player of all time' means? I can only say that since I've been playing tennis, I have never seen anyone playing so naturally like Roger does. It's like art.

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